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Love Vipassana: The Union Within

Author | Shoneeka Publisher | StoryMirror Infotech Pvt. Ltd. ISBN | 9789360708108 Pages | 163 Genres |


About the Book:

“The sacred union of masculine and feminine energies within us manifests our true love.”

Why do we often feel lonely, even when we're in a relationship? Why do so many relationships face challenges? Why is divorce so common these days? Why do we keep moving from one relationship to another, yet keep encountering the same problems? Why do we carry so much resentment towards the opposite gender? Why is there a rise in both misogyny and extreme feminism? This book explores how the imbalance of our own masculine and feminine energies creates separation in our lives. When there is conflict within us, how can we expect to create harmony in our relationships? By recognizing and understanding this internal separation of our inner masculine and feminine energies, we can begin to foster unity in the world around us. True connection is only possible when there is authentic intimacy between the masculine and feminine within ourselves. And that eventually moves us even beyond gender into a state of genuine oneness. No separation. Just oneness.

“Love took me to Vipassana and Vipassana took me within, to this knowingness.” Shoneeka

About the Author:

Shoneeka is an accomplished advertising professional, as well as a writer, producer, and director. She has developed impactful campaigns for prominent brands such as Samsung, Hindustan Times, Whirlpool, UNICEF, Pepsi Foods, Hero, Maruti, General Motors, Nestle, Unilever, TVS, BBC India, Fever, and National Geographic. Through her production company, Zikr Productions, Shoneeka brings inspiring stories to life. For over 20 years, she has been deeply immersed in the study of metaphysics. She pursued "Gnosis: The Pathway to Self-Mastery" at the World Center for Enlightened Living, learning under the mentorship of Dr. Amit Jain. Her experience spans both being a dedicated student and a teacher. Gnosis, an ancient secret wisdom, offers deep insights into human psychology and forms the scientific core of many religions. Additionally, Shoneeka is a certified chakra healing practitioner and has a deep passion for yoga, meditation, and other healing practices. Her love for Vipassana meditation inspired the creation of Love Vipassana.

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